Lesson 3 Reconnect


Communication: Sending teachers intro emails.

  • Access teacher emails directly from the hyperlinked CPaL.
  • cc all of the people who care about you: parents, Just2 coach, accountability coach, etc.
  • Make use of templates and interview strategies to expedite the process and move through reluctance.

Practice inhibition, transparency, and follow through by making every effort to clarify and verify as necessary via email communication supported by in-person meetings

Early Semester Student Introductions to Teachers

Hello Mr/s.

I hope that your [NAME THE SEASON Summer, Holiday, weekend, etc] was restful.

I am contacting you to introduce myself as a student in your ______ class, period ___. Recently, I learned that my learning style is _______. Which means that I learn best by ______________. I have created a few goals for this semester which are as follows:




My success in your class is very important to me and I look forward to working together.

Thanks, [your name]




