Laurel Payzant

    I value my experiences in education as a lifelong learner and love that I can continue to grow alongside my students. I excel in human connections and fostering a compassionate environment; I have a strong interest in English Language Arts, cultural diversity, and language acquisition. Anything that involves movement, creativity, or exploring excites me!

    Before moving to Colorado to earn my Masters in Education, I studied at Eastern CT State University in Connecticut. While at ESCU, I was lucky enough to live in Costa Rica for six months where I immersed myself in a new language, culture, and taught English to bilingual/multilingual learners. During my time studying at CU, I  was incredibly excited to get the opportunity to teach at Temple Grandin School and joined a team of incredible people at Rock Creek Elementary School. Since graduating, I have taught English Language Development at Thornton High School and was even lucky enough to teach forensics and chemistry (something outside of my comfort zone). Enough about me…I can’t wait to learn more about you!
