In About, Mentoring, organization, study skills, Success, time management

Just2 Tutoring Mentor

Just2 Global Focus Coaching provides not only organization, study and time management skills but the skills that lead students to independence.

Transition to Independence

As J2 students master and assimilate effective action and powerful intention, they require an opportunity to demonstrate their independence.

Just2 Tutoring provides the safety net that meets the specific needs of the student.

Just2 Tutoring Saftey Net

Accountability becomes the focus of J2 Mentoring students.

  • Establishing a sense of personal academic standard and a plan that works.
  • Strengthening Improving levels of motivation, self-regulation and integrity.
  • Maintaining & Improving relationships at home by lifting the need for nagging and reminding about school work.

J2 Mentoring can look similar to tutoring. We meet with students one on one, frequently reviewing their school performance, talking through and recording plans for an upcoming essay or project, putting action and intention in the direction of both short and long term academic, collegiate and career plans.

Most J2 Mentoring students meet with us once or more weekly, share their organization, time management strategies and initiate a consistent schedule of text, phone and video conference check-ins.

These are J2 students who have made successful academic gains and are ready to up-level their performance. They maintain future outlook and plan for what comes next in life.

Together we are creating young people who can be productive and successful in school while allowing young people the time and the space to explore their own ideas about themselves and their place in the world.

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