In Just2 Tutoring Online, Uncategorized

As of 7:30 PM 3/12/20, here in Colorado, Universities and School Districts across the state are closing their doors. They are moving to web-based learning. One thing is for sure: it will be glitchy. The good news is that J2 Tutors have been serving students in the front range and across the country in an on-line format for over a decade. We are familiar with the web platforms and the format teachers use.

Just2 Online Tutoring services has been a perfect match for the parents who own one or more businesses, a person with many irons in the fire. Whether they travel often or work from home. They love their kids and want nothing but success for them and sometimes our own success leaves little time and sometimes less patience than they desire.

J2 has been a perfect match for parents in life transitions. These might be families in health-related or a relationship shift transitions. Online academic support creates an environment of consistency in a time of transition and healing.

Online Academic Support with Just2 has been a great fit for parents of twice-exceptional students. J2 coaches are skilled in preparing students for high school, college, and independent living.
We have served parents of students who are geographically separated by divorce or relocation.

Today, Just2 Tutoring Online is prepared to support your students in remaining in step with their courses as instruction is provided in a new way. Our coaches can “attend” lectures with your students and see them through communication to clarify assignments or projects.

Online tutoring sessions are an effective way of maintaining a consistent meeting schedule in the event of travel, transportation challenges, and anxiety and illness: short-term or long term.

How Just2 Online Tutoring works

When you schedule with J2, your child will meet with their J2 Academic Coach Online. 

The coach & student meet much like a phone call. They will meet one to one in a familiar study space at home via Google Hangouts on a tablet, laptop or desktop computer. Students meet with their coach as often and for the duration required.

During this time, goals & current grades are reviewed. Assignments are clarified, long term projects and essays are arranged into daily steps, productivity is verified and study strategies are implemented. Access to online textbooks, teacher lectures & websites and campus portals provides specific course content, teacher expectations, rubrics, individual progress reports, and updates.

These notes are recorded on the student’s J2 CPaL which is shared with J2 coaches, parents and the student. 

In our 25 years of service, we have found that consistent student contact is key to effective executive function coaching. J2 Online students meet with their accountability coach on alternate afternoons for regularly scheduled fifteen-minute check-ins.

Global Academic Approach

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