Just2 Tutoring makes student success attainable and moms happy by creating measurable results. We work with students and their families to create effective systems for study, organization and time management. When students are ready to commit to making a positive change and up-level their academic performance, they often require consistent accountability support.
J2 students have the opportunity to participate and, ultimately, initiate accountability check in calls.
Imagine the pressure lift when mom knows that her child has reviewed their goal, commitment and daily action plan. Imagine the improvement in relationships at home, pleasant dinner conversation and reduced nagging from mom and dad. Just2 Tutoring has been improving the home lives of moms, dads and their children through quality work: a direct result of student accountability.
Each of these bi weekly check-in calls function as a satellite to student sessions; they may be by phone or video conferencing. These check-ins allow your child’s tutor/coach to follow up on the academic expectation and communications of today yesterday and tomorrow. Students have an opportunity to share where they have experienced a win, where they feel stuck and articulate how they will engage today in their strategy for success.
The consistent contact creates a powerful rapport between your child and their focus coach. The positive rapport increases motivation and that motivation manifests as productivity. Productivity breeds increased classroom engagement and assessment scores which result in significant grade improvement. As grades improve motivation to succeed compounds until our independent learners emerge. -Mike Manning
We see this happen each semester and J2 will show you how accountability contact will create academic integrity while addressing the needs of executive function and focus challenges of your child. As students become increasingly independent, they initiate these calls and demonstrate their academic growth and self-advocacy.