In New Semester

Our pre-semester meeting schedule allows for reflection. It is a time for reflection on the previous semester and goal setting for the upcoming semester. These sessions are an opportunity for the organization of materials & study tools, communication with teachers. Together, we aim toward further development in the art of self-assigned study.

J2 and the Global Approach

As you know, Just2 Tutoring is unique in our global approach to executive functions in addressing organization, time management and study skills. The J2 team provides much more than simply homework help. We value every opportunity to meet with students when s/he is free of the burdens of current or past due assignments. These meetings allow for direct support and instruction in the development of study skills which address the individual learning style of the student.

Refresh backpacks, planners and binders

Additionally, these J2 pre-semester meetings will allow an opportunity to refresh materials such as planners, binders and supply cases. Notebooks often require refreshment and backpacks cleared from the clutter of the previous school year.

Access student resources and portals

Finally, these meetings allow for students to refresh and verify Infinite Campus, Schoology and Google Classroom passcodes. Students also update teacher contacts and access to online texts. Three, semester goals will be set: Quantitative, Qualitative and Personal. These goals, which will often be shared with teachers, will drive our work, measure our success and provide a sense of duration of J2 services.


Thank you for the support that you provide for your child. We look forward to powerfully beginning this new semester. Call us today to set up prep sessions to be a successful student.

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