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Love languages and goal revisits have become an essential part of success for the  students we coach. At Just2 Tutoring, we aim to create an environment that can effectively communicate love and understanding. That’s why we dedicate part of the month of February learning about our love languages and revisiting qualitative, quantitative, and personal goals. Together, these two concepts encourage motivation and self-confidence as you and your young person form a deeper realization of who they are and want to be.

Coaching Love Languages

The five fundamental love languages discussed by author Gary Chapman include words of affirmation, physical touch, giving gifts, acts of service, and quality time. You will find a love languages survey attached to your students’ CPaL. By understanding which type of love language resonates most for a particular student, we can tailor our teaching strategies and guide parental communication effectively. For example, if a student needs verbal encouragement to feel supported, then words of affirmation should remain a priority throughout the tutoring process. On the other hand, if physical closeness makes a student feel safe and secure, high-fives and fist bumps should be incorporated into every lesson plan. 

Scientists have shown that focusing on people’s individualized expressions of loving behavior can be beneficial in helping them to maintain relationships and promote feelings of self-worth. Through understanding their own primary language and the language of their family members, students are able to effectively connect with others on a deeper level that may not have been possible before. Ultimately, knowledge about the five love languages can be incredibly powerful for individuals who seek meaningful connections and fulfilling relationships in their lives.

At Just2, we are committed to ensuring kids and parents feel appreciated and valued. Identifying what helps your young person thrive can be the catalyst that leads to a fantastic semester. We bring our insights into our first student/family progress meeting, helping everyone set expectations that prioritize both productivity as well as positive outcomes in and out of the classroom.

Revisiting Goals & Progress Meetings

Throughout the semester, we host progress meetings with our students and parents. Below is how these meetings are outlined.

  • Reasons for Working Together
  • Discovering and Articulating Goals
  • Recognition of Resources for Success
  • Appropriate Skills and Strategies
  • Current and Future Progress
  • Grade Review
  • Stress Management 
  • What’s Working and What’s Not

During each meeting, our students have the opportunity to honestly reflect on what success is for them. By setting qualitative and quantitative goals, our coaches can measure progress and help students understand the expectations needed to succeed. And, because life isn’t all about school, we also have students set their own personal goals. 

Just2 Loves Revisiting Goals

At Just2, we believe in the power of goal-setting when it comes to building strong relationships between parents and students. With our regular progress meetings, both parent and student can celebrate successes, stay up-to-date on changes in plans, or course correct as needed. With the added benefit of love languages, we work to help parents see the successes their children are achieving as their goals develop and change. 

Contact us today so you and your young person can make a change to reignite their love of learning while achieving their goals.

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