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Let’s face it… academic strengths and capabilities vary from child to child. One kid’s gift can be another kid’s challenge, and vice-versa. However, when a classroom teacher is unable to align all of their students’ learning progress, academic gaps will inevitably occur. With a new school year upon us, if you notice your child needing more individual attention or supplemental learning, who can be their hero? It’s the tutor!

Here are a few ways a tutor can be an ideal resource for a child who may need some extra help in order to reach their full potential.

A Tutor Can Maximize One-On-One Learning 

The one-on-one interaction between your child and a tutor will provide focused attention. They will consider your child’s learning style, pace, and unique challenges. For example, while some children respond well to visual learning, others will learn more efficiently through storytelling and imagination. A good tutor will easily adjust his or her teaching style and materials according to the child’s needs.

Such benefits are almost impossible to deliver in a packed classroom where teaching styles are more generic. Which also may result in a child being too scared to ask questions that may reveal their struggles in front of their classmates.

A Tutor Can Help Eliminate Homework-Related Arguments 

If you juggle your time between work and running a household, dealing with your kids’ homework or study-related challenges is yet another unwelcome burden. It may also interfere with relaxing and having fun with your kids.

While some parents can motivate their children to study harder, they may not have the seasoned expertise of a teacher. A tutor helps prevent parent-child tension and enhances quality family relationships.

A Tutor Can Help Boost Self-Esteem & Motivation

One-on-one tutoring establishes strong rapport, trust, and good relationships between the tutor and the learner. Good tutors are skilled at understanding a child’s struggles. This can help develop and customize effective learning strategies

Once a smooth and energized learning process is in place, their relationship can build a child’s self-esteem, confidence, and a hunger for more learning, which ultimately translates to increased motivation and success in the classroom.

Is A Tutor Right For Your Child?

To discover how a tutor might be an ideal solution to help your child perform at their full potential while reducing tension at home and boosting their confidence, explore Just2 Tutoring’s tutoring approach. Feel free to contact us for a free consultation.

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